Google Tag Manager Tutorial in Hindi |Google Tag Manager Update 2020|New GTM Preview Mode | Lesson 3

In this video I will tell you about the New Google Tag manager Preview Mode 2020 update, please do watch the full video to know in-depth about GTM preview and debug mode, which is called the Tag Assistant.

If you are familiar with the older version, the new one has a significant amount of changes that you should be aware of.
If you were working with an older version of GTM and debug mode, the new one has a significant amount of changes you must know. In this video I will explain about below”:-

– What is GTM Overview
– What is GTM Preview Mode and why you should use it
– How to enable the new Preview Mode
– How to disable new Preview Mode
– How to enhance it with Chrome Extension called “Tag Assistant”

How to track form with Google Tag Manager? GTM Training in Hindi|Lesson 2

Learn here how can you track your website form with Google Tag Manager. Easy way to implement tracking for your form with google tag manager.

How Implement Google Analytics Page view Tracking Tag with GTM | GTM Training | Lesson Two

How to implement Page view Tag in Google Tag Manager? Learn today in this video best and easy way to create your first page view tag. You also see here how you can create a variable and trigger associated with this tag.

How to Implement Schema code with Google Tag Manager

Now a day’s almost all website owners are adding schema code to their website. So there are two way to add schema to your website.

  1. Implement Hard code On your website
  2. Implement with Google Tag Manager

Schema has introduce in 2011. is a collection of schemas for structured data which help to search engine for better understanding of website content. By implementing schema you can organize your data i.e. how your data should be replicate in search engine.

Today I will discuss the step which you should follow to implement schema for your website.

Step-1 Create Script for Schema Mark-up – you should create schema script as per your requirement. Here I am sharing JSON to implement schema for website logo and Social Links. So as per this step below will be the JSON which we will implement through GTM.

<script type=”application/ld+json”>

{ “@context” : ““,

“@type” : “Organization”,

“name” : “Company Name”,

“url” : “Website URL”,

“sameAs” : [ “Facebook Page URL”,

“Twitter Handle URL”,

“Youtube URL”,

“Google Plus URL”,

“Linked-In URL”]




Step-2 – Open Google Tag Manager and Create a Tag as per below Screen. Click on circled option that is Tag and click on new.

Step-3 Once you will click on new than below screen you will get. Here you should select CUSTOM HTML and paste your JSON which you have prepared.

Now select trigger and create a new trigger where you want to implement schema.

As per above screen you should create a new trigger as per requirement and fire it on required pages. After doing it save tag which you have created.

Now you have successfully created a tag and you can check it in preview and see what value is passing in your tag. When you have completed your implementation than you should check it with DATA STRUCTURE TESTING TOOL. You know the trigger so accordingly can check for any of the pages how your schema looks like. I am sharing one more screens which will show the output of schema implementation.

So I will suggest all marketer should use schema mark-up to get all benefits of this. In this case you can implement it without knowledge of HTML. You did not required any server/ web file access to make change.

Hope this blog will provide you some help to get an idea about schema implementation through Google Tag Manager.

How Start with Google Tag Manager?

When our website will be more useful and relevant? Answer is at the time when it will actually perform best in terms of speed. Now days we are adding many third party tags on our website that is why our website may slower.

To minimize this problem Google Tag Manager welcomed by Google. In the past time, everything was managed by webmasters. Now we should use GTM to manage all third party tags to enhance the performance of our website.

What is GTM (Google Tag Manager)?

Google tag Manger, webmaster will be able to add, edit, remove and update the marketing and measurement tags without the support of development team. This process make independent marketing team from development team. There is not required any change in your code. Whole ownership will be of webmaster for all the tags when they want to stop or publish it.

Difference between DoubleClick Floodlight and GTM?

We should not confuse in floodlight tag and container tag both are very different. In short, we can say Floodlight tag used to measure conversion resulting from users seeing to interacting with certain ads. On other hand, GTM is Tag management system. GTM helps you deploy tracking technology.

Create an Account for GTM-

Create an account in GTM with your Google account. After creating the account, you need to create a container. Below it the step, which required at time of GTM account creation:-

Step 1:-


We need one GTM account per company. We are able to maintain multiple website by creating new containers. You can use the link to create GTM account

Within a single google account, you can create another GTM account as per your requirement by clicking on the Admin section and then new account. At the time of account creation, you need to fill account name (your company name) and then need to choose web or mobile apps.

Containers:- Containers holds all the tag for a specific website, we should use a best name convention for tags by including website name in it. You can create a different container in a same account if you have multiple website with you.

In container, you will get tags, triggers, variables etc., now we will discuss in detail about these-

Tags:– Once you have completed your container then you will create a tags for your website. Google provides different type of tags to create as per your requirement. Mainly tags divided into three category-

  • Featured – as per below screenshot

Custom – As per below screenshot

Others – 

Triggers– Once we decided with tag to add then we need to add triggers to fire the tag. There are many type of trigger, which should create to fire our tags. Some of them I am sharing here like

  • Page View
    • DOM Ready
    • Page View
    • Window loaded
  • Click
    • All elements
    • Just Links
  • Other
    • Custom Event
    • Form Submission
    • History Change
    • JavaScript Error
    • Timer

google tag manager training

Variables:- This term is used in GTM to denote a helper function that your tags, Triggers and other variables can invoke to retrieve values from.

A variable used to store data that is used in defining trigger to pass information at runtime form.

  • Data Layers
  • Java Script Variables
  • First Party Cookies

There are two categories of variable in GTM.

  • Build in Variables
  • User defined variables

This is overview for GTM for beginners. Further, I will share another article where we will discussed deeply for implementation i.e. how tag, trigger and variables will work. Please do share your view for this article.