What should you do for Google mobile indexing?

Mobile traffic and indexing is top priority in 2018. Smartphone users are increasing very rapidly. If you will search on internet you will see many blogs and article which are sharing their view and strategy to do it. But still you will not get the exact step which you should follow to complete this task.

Today I am sharing some point with you which will really help you to increase your mobile indexing.

  1. Check your website is mobile compatible or not– this can be done by following steps:-

Ø  Check your website is responsive or not

Ø  Dynamic Serving

Ø  You are using m dot (mobile site)

If your website is not mobile compatible then you should ask your team to do it on priority basis.

  1. Load Time and Page Speed:- we must check our pages speed and load time on mobile device. If it will be ok than there will be more chances to index all pages soon in mobile.

So you can check Load time with the help of many tools:-

Similarly you can check web page speed. Both should be as per guidelines for better indexing.

  1. Meta tag and all other Tags:-we should check the title and description which we have updated on desktop version also work for mobile or not. And need to update accordingly.

Apart from it there is different schema which will work for mobile pages only. So update the same for better indexing.

  1. Mobile Friendliness – We have one more tool i.e. search console tool which will help us to know mobile friendliness. If you do not have login credentials or verified domain for search console first do and then check for friendliness.


Hope this blog will help you to increase your indexing for mobile and you can check your content is crawled by mobilebot or not.

Please share you comment so that I am able to write further on this topic.

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