How to track form with Google Tag Manager? GTM Training in Hindi|Lesson 2

Learn here how can you track your website form with Google Tag Manager. Easy way to implement tracking for your form with google tag manager.

How to search on Google, Tips and Tricks?Top 10 Google Command for SEO | Google SEO Cheat Sheet

With over 200 trillion pages in Google’s search index, this tutorial shows you how to use Google advanced search operators like site, chache and info and tricks for marketers. Subscribe ► Google’s job is to provide users with the most relevant search results. And seeing millions and sometimes billions of search results can be overwhelming. Here you will learn how can you find the result which you want exactly.

Tom wants to promote his windscreen repair company’s emergency service by reaching people exactly when they’re searching for help. Which campaign type is a good fit?

a. “Display Network Only”
b. “Shopping”
c. “Search Network only”
d. “Search Network with Display Select”

Right Answer is-

c. “Search Network only”

Top Digital Media Books

Explanations – The Google Search Network is a group of search-related websites and apps where your ads can appear. When you advertise on the Google Search Network, your ad can show near search results when someone searches with terms related to one of your keywords.

For more information please visit at


How to use Slicer in Power BI|Power BI Training Part-3 – Come4seo

How you can build a slicer in Power BI, and take it to the next level. Using a combination of features in Power BI Desktop, you can make a great user experience. Learn more with us about the use of slicer in power bi.

Your client wants to show ads to people who’ve visited her website before. Which Adwords feature would you recommend that she use?

a. Dynamic Search Ads
b. Conversion tracking
c. Re-marketing
d. E-commerce tracking

Right Answer is-


Explanations -Remarketing is a way to connect with people who previously interacted with your website or mobile app. It allows you to strategically position your ads in front of these audiences as they browse Google or its partner websites, thus helping you increase your brand awareness or remind those audiences to make a purchase.

Google Added Product Rich Results data in Search Console tool

Google is more focusing on schema implementation and to encourage it now Google announce to add product report into search console.

If you will add schema on your product, then Google search console add those products in search console report and you can check performance of your product.

A new search appearance has added in search console report; which captures search stats for product rich results on Google Search.

Google always enhance the search algorithm so that users will get accurate and correct information, in this process this time Google provide helpful product information to shoppers, Google shows rich product data like product title, description, price and availability with on the search results.

This screenshot shows the product price, description and rating in search result, similar you can enhance your product presence in google.

As of now this this change will not appear for all sits this will shows only for those website owners who have product website and implemented product schema for all product. Below are the steps how you will get this information in Google search console tool?

Once you will login for search console and will click on search appearance then you will get below screen.

More information you can collect from link given below

What are the information we will collect from this result?

Once you will apply schema for your product and it will appear in search console then you are able to know will data from this tool-

  1. How much traffic comes from experiences with rich data like, price, description and availability of the product.
  2. How does shopping traffic change over time, and for what shopping search queries is the website shown?

Hope this information will help us to better to know about our product performance over Google search.

Who We Are – We are providing solution to enhance your website and product over internet. So, if you want such type of implementation or other queries related to website and product promotion you can connect with us at

How can we check page speed report in Google Search console? New Page Speed data update in Google Search Console.

Google roll out page speed checker in search console in early week of November 2019. As of now there is not cumulative data for page speed in GA or search console, so Google has decided to add this feature in Google search console.

I am sharing an easy guide to check your page speed in google search console.

Where will you Get this report in Search Console?

Once you will login yours google search console tool, you can see this report in left hand side panel in Enhancement section as per below screen.

Once you will click on this Speed link you will see below screen

You can as per screenshot that three types of URL have given-

  1. Slow URLs (RED)
  2. Moderate URLs (YELLOW)
  3. Fast URL (GREEN)

Now if you will click on open report for Mobile then you will see below screen

Blow are the meaning of this report-

Slow URL – FCP Issue – Longer than 3s (Mobile) – Once we will click on this text we will see below report in search console.

  • FCP (first contentful paint): The time from when the user requests the URL until the browser renders the first visible element in the URL. This is important because it tells the reader that the URL is actually loading.
  • Agg FCP (aggregated FCP) shown in the report is the time it takes for 75% of the visits to a URL in the group to reach the FCP state.
  • FID (first input delay): The time from when a user first interacts with your page (when they clicked a link, tapped on a button, and so on) to the time when the browser responds to that interaction. This measurement is taken from whatever interactive element that the user first clicks. This is important on pages where the user needs to do something, because this is when the page has become interactive.
  • Agg FID (aggregated FID) shown in the report is the lowest common FID for 95% of the visits to a URL in the group.

For more information you can visit at

After doing analysis on this report further you can check individual URL report as per below screenshot.

Now when you click on single url you will get below screen and can see further report for that particular URL

Once you will click on page speed insight you will see all date from the url as shared

Now as per this screenshot you need to resolve all the issue which we have in our webpage to increase the page speed of our website.

Hope this will give you better idea to use search console tool for web page speed.

Top 50 SEO Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced Candidates (Tips & Tricks)

See here most important SEO Interview Questions and Answers asked by almost every Interviewer in Interview. These SEO questions and answers will help you to make sure your selection for SEO position. Have a deep look for SEO Interview questions and answers.

How Implement Google Analytics Page view Tracking Tag with GTM | GTM Training | Lesson Two

How to implement Page view Tag in Google Tag Manager? Learn today in this video best and easy way to create your first page view tag. You also see here how you can create a variable and trigger associated with this tag.

Type Of Keywords for SEO and Effective Way to Write title and Meta Description

Type of Keywords

  1. Primary Keywords/ Generic Keywords
  • SEO Training
  • PPC Training
  • SMO Training
  • Analytics Training
  1. Secondary Keywords/ Middle Competitive Keywords
  • SEO On Page Optimization Training
  • Facebook marketing training
  • LinkedIn marketing Training
  • Google Local Listing Training
  1. Sessional Keywords
  • SEO Summer Training
  • Social Media Summer Training
  1. Local Modifier Keywords/ Long Tail Keywords
  • SEO Training in Noida
  • SEO Training in Ghaziabad
  • PPC Training in NCR
  • Social Media Training in Delhi

 Techniques Need to remember at the time of writing Title and Meta description

  • Keyword Proximity
  • Keywords Prominence

Keyword proximity in SEO refers to how close together keywords are to one another, or to another element on the website.

Far Proximity -You should take training to enhance your website visibility on internet. You can learn SEO to do this work at your own end.

Close Proximity – You should take SEO Training to enhance your website visibility on internet. You can learn SEO to do this work at your own end.


Keywords Prominence –

There are various ways to make your keywords more prominent in your content with the help of HMTL. Below are some examples.

  • Bold, Italicizing or underline
  • Use Heading Tags
  • Provide Link of the targeted keywords