Google invited some users for New Search Console (Index Status) Beta Version

I have observed that 1st week of September Google has added a link of new beta version of search console for some account owner.

It has been added automatically so may or may not be you are invited. If you are invited for this than first you will see a message in your search console account as below.

New Search Console Message Format

When you will click on view details than you will get a screens as below.

After it if you will see you dashboard of search console and then will open an account for which you are invited will see below type of link there in search console.

As per above screenshot you are seeing that there is green highlighted link which will goes for new search console. So once you click on this link you will get a below screen.

So as per above given screen you are seeing a trending graph along with a link below for full report. So further for more information I am clicking on full report. Below you will see the next screen once you will click on full report.

Once I will click on full report I got a below screen with following feature:-

  1. Top right you are seeing status button, once you will click on this you will reach on main dashboard.
  2. Below status button one more option is there that is UPDATE GOOGLE.

Now I am going to click on UPDATE GOOGLE. Once I click on this I have seen a different screen to submit my latest xml sitemap. Below is the screen.

Apart from it setting button still not enable in beta version. So now I am going to discuss more about the screen where we will see different-2 type of URL with reason why they are index or not?

So there are below 4 main section.

  1. Valid Pages
  2. Pages with Warning
  3. Pages with Errors
  4. Excluded

Above information you can see in Search console as per below screen.

Now if you want you can elaborate further these four category as per below screenshot. In this way you are able to know below things with the help of this upcoming feature of Google.

  1. You are able to know the valid pages URL which are index in Google.
  2. You are able to know the pages URL which have error or warning due to which crawler not able to crawl that them and reason they are not index in Google.
  3. You are able to know the URL which has excluded with reason so you can resolve the problem and able to index those all URL in search engine.

So definitely you are able to increase indexing in Google.

Hope this information will help you better understanding of new search console for index coverage. Please share your feedback so that I can post similar more articles.

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